Saint Joseph Church Coopersburg, Pennsylvania
Saint Joseph Church     Coopersburg, Pennsylvania

Thank you for

your interest in


in our Parish!

All persons, both employees and volunteers, who come into contact with children at any time in the course of their work are considered mandated reporters of child abuse and are required by Pennsylvania State Law to report to law enforcement authorities all cases of suspected child abuse. In order to further protect the youth of our community, PA State Law requires that all employees or volunteers who come into contact with children complete a PA State Police Criminal Background Check, PA Child Abuse History Clearance, FBI Criminal Background Check (via Dept. of Human Services and/or PA Dept. of Edcuation), National Sex Offender Registry Check, and to attend Mandated Reporter Training. Additionally, the Diocese of Allentown requires these persons to attend a Protecting God’s Children Workshop, and to read & acknowledge the Diocesan Code of Conduct, Sexual Abuse Policy, Social Media & Electronic Communications Policy, and Child Protective Services Law sheet. There are additional requirements for CYO Coaches/Volunteers as well as Visiting Eucharistic Ministers.


Below please find a detailed list of the eleven (11) required documentation for volunteers within our parish. We have included links to information and/or attachments as you may need them. You have a few options for how to submit your completed paperwork to the Rectory - In a sealed envelope addressed to PARISH SAFE ENVIRONMENT COORDINATOR, which can be placed in the offertory basket at any weekend Mass; personally delivered to the Rectory during normal business hours (typically, Monday-Friday 10AM-3PM); or, mailed to the Rectory at 5050 St. Joseph's Road, Coopersburg, PA 18036. Please indicate if you need any of the papers returned to you.


Please note - although there are fees typically associated with the background checks, when filing as a VOLUNTEER and going through the Diocese of Allentown, there is no cost for the volunteer applying.

Step 1 - Background Check & Fingerprint Authorization for Employees/Volunteers 


All volunteers must complete a Diocese of Allentown Background Check Authorization Form. Please do not include your Social Security Number on the form. Upon completion and submission to the parish Safe Environment Coordinator, you will be provided with a payment code to use for registering for fingerprinting 

(the Diocese of Allentown covers the cost of fingerprinting for all volunteers).


Background check auth2023.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [246.0 KB]

Step 2 - FBI Background Check & Fingerprints for Employees/Volunteers 


The fingerprinting process has changed since its inception as the state has transitioned to a new vendor for digital fingerprinting, IDEMIA. You will register online with IDEMIA ( ). During registration, you will set up an appointment at a local IdentoGo site; a popular destination for this area has been the UPS Store located in Hellertown. Several other options will be available to you upon registration.


The background checks are conducted through the Department of Human Services (DHS). DHS fingerprints are required for all PARISH employees and volunteers (this includes CYO & PREP).


Once registration is complete, print your receipt and take it with you to the appointment. After your appointment, please provide your receipt to the parish Safe Environment Coordinator to make a copy for your records. You will receive the results of the report in the mail approximately two weeks after your appointment, and must provide the original results to the parish Safe Environment Coordinator to submit to the Diocese of Allentown. You will be provided with a copy for your personal records. 



If you are a new employee or volunteer, you must submit clearances that were completed within the last year (this is despite the fact that clearances are "good" for 5 years).

Step 3 - PA Child Abuse History Clearance

This process can be submitted online through the Child Welfare Information Solution (CWIS) self-service portal, or mailed in. Submitting an application online allows individual applicants to receive their results through an automated system that will notify them once their results have been processed. Applicants will be able to view and print their results online. The online process takes anywhere from 2-14 days to process, while applications through mail typically take 7-14 days (results mailed to the applicant). There is no cost for the report when processing as a volunteer (as long as you have not already been processed within the last 57 months). You will receive the results of the report, and must provide the results to the parish Safe Environment Coordinator.

If you choose to download and print, please follow the instructions to complete (2 sheets - release form must be included when sending to state).



If you are a new employee or volunteer, you must submit clearances that were completed within the last year (this is despite the fact that clearances are "good" for 5 years).

PA Child Abuse Consent Release Auth 3.2[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [326.4 KB]
NEW PA Child Abuse Form.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [356.8 KB]

Step 4 - PA State Police Criminal Record Check   

This item can be completed over the Internet with results typically processed immediately; Or, submit the form via mail, with results mailed to applicant (can take up to 14 days to receive). There is no cost for the report when processing as a volunteer (as long as you have not already been processed within the last 57 months). You will receive the results of the report, and must provide the results to the parish Safe Environment Coordinator. 


Online completion - Click on the “New Record Check” Volunteers Only button to get started. Where you are asked for a volunteer organization name and phone number, reply with Diocese of Allentown and the main phone number: 610 871-5200

If you choose to download and print -  please follow instructions to complete. You will be asked for a volunteer organization name and phone number.  Reply with Diocese of Allentown and the main phone number: 610-871-5200.



If you are a new employee or volunteer, you must submit clearances that were completed within the last year (this is despite the fact that clearances are "good" for 5 years).

Adobe Acrobat document [133.1 KB]

Step 5 - Complete the National Sex Offender Registration Check

As more dioceses and organizations are requiring the National Sex Offender Registry background check, the Diocese of Allentown has begun implementing this requirement for the 2022-2023 school year for all employees, as well as any volunteers coming in contact with children. The one-page NSOR clearance is free and must be sent directly to Childline. 
Please print & fill out the form below, and you can either follow the directions to submit it to Childline yourself, OR submit the completed form to the Parish Safe Environment Coordinator, and she will submit it for you. You will receive the results in the mail, approximately two weeks after submitting.  This result must be handed in to the PArish Safe Environment Coordinator, to be added to your volunteer file.
When filling out the form as an EMPLOYEE, please check off the reason box that says: "Individual working for a Regulated Child Care Provider." 
When filling out the form as a VOLUNTEER, please check off the reason box that says: "Volunteer of a child-care provider, group-daycare home or family child care home.
NSOR.APPLICATION.05.02.22 (3).pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [77.1 KB]

Step 6 - Mandated Reporter Training

The Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse: Mandated and Permissive Reporting in Pennsylvania Online Training course is available online. All clergy, employees, or volunteers who interact with children are required to attend. Mandated Reporter Training expires every 5 years. Please keep your login information for future trainings. PLEASE NOTE: We only accept Act 31 credits for Mandated Reporter Training. Many Public Schools use Vector Security to do training, and we do not accept this.


Option 1. Pa Family Support Alliance website:

  • Click on “Trainings & Programs” at the top of the page
  • Select “Mandated Reporter Training”
  • Scroll down the page until you see “Upcoming Virtual Sessions at no cost”
  • Look for Virtual Sessions in (month), (click here)
  • Select a date and time that works for you
  • Fill in all the required boxes marked with * (an asterisk)
  • Select “Register”
  • You will receive an email with information and the Zoom link. The timeline varies with each instructor.
  • Upon completion, please print or take a picture of your certificate and give to your supervisor or Local Safe Environment Coordinator. Depending on your teacher, it may take up to two weeks to receive your certificate in your email.

Option 2. University of Pittsburgh’s website:

  • Fill out all required information (blue fields) to create an account.
  • Click “Submit” to create a username and password.
  • Login using your new credentials in the “Welcome” tab.
  • Complete the 3-hour (minimum) training course.
  • Upon completion, please print or take a picture of your certificate and give to your supervisor or Local Safe Environment Coordinator.

University of Pittsburgh’s Spanish website:

  • Complete toda la información requerida (campos azules) para crear una cuenta.
  • Haga clic en "Enviar" para crear un nombre de usuario y contraseña.
  • Inicie sesión con sus nuevas credenciales en la pestaña "Bienvenido".
  • Completar el curso de formación de 3 horas (mínimo).
  • Al finalizar, imprima o tome una fotografía de su certificado y entrégueselo a su supervisor o al Coordinador local de ambiente seguro.
Online MRT Training 2024 English-Spanish[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [218.1 KB]

Step 7 - Protecting God’s Children Workshop

The Protecting God’s ChildrenTM program is a virtual training that includes videos and question and answer segments. All clergy, employees, or volunteers who interact with children are required to attend. Read through the instructions sheet below to register & attend a session. Upon completion, please print or take a picture your certificate and give to your Local Safe Environment Coordinator. Please note that it may take up to 72 hours for receipt.

Beginning fall of 2024, all volunteers, clergy & employees will be required to take a Protecting God's Children refresher course every 5 years. This brief course will be provided by the Diocese of Allentown, and be completed online. More information will be released as it becomes available.

PGC Virtual Training Directions 1-29-202[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [221.5 KB]

Step 8 - Read the Diocesan Sexual Abuse Policy  & Complete the Acknowledgment Form

The policy has been updated as of September 2022. Thefull policy is available below. Please submit the completed acknowledgment form to the parish Safe Environment Coordinator.

Diocese of Allentown Sexual Abuse Policy (full, English) 2022 VERSION
Adobe Acrobat document [1.0 MB]
Acknowledgment Form (2022 Version)
Adobe Acrobat document [50.6 KB]

Step 9 - Read the Diocesan Code of Conduct & Complete the Acknowledgement Form


The policy has been updated as of 2022. The full policy is available below. Please submit the completed acknowledgment form to the parish Safe Environment Coordinator. 

Diocese of Allentown Code of Conduct - 2022 version
Adobe Acrobat document [454.7 KB]
Acknowledgement Form - 2022 version
CODE OF CONDUCTAcknowledgment_V2022.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [49.6 KB]

Step 10 - Social Media & Electronic Communications Policies


All volunteers must review the Diocese of Allentown's Social Media & Electronic Communications Policies. The Social Media and Electronic Communications Policy sets forth acceptable use of, and best practices relating to, social media applications and communications with minors and vulnerable adults. This policy is meant to accompany the Code of Conduct and other Diocesan policies that serve to protect our youth and vulnerable adults in our schools and ministries. After reading, please sign an acknowledgement form. Both items can be downloaded below. Once completed, please submit the signed acknowledgment form to the parish Safe Environment Coordinator.

Adobe Acrobat document [625.5 KB]
Acknowledgment DOA Policies and Procedur[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [49.9 KB]

Step 11 - Child Protective Services Law

All volunteers must review the Diocese of Allentown's Child Protective Services Law Policy and sign an acknowledgement form. The CPSL sheet and acknowledgement form can be downloaded below. Once completed, please submit the signed form to the parish Safe Environment Coordinator.

2023 REVISED CPSL Chart & Acknowledgement Form
CPSL 2023 with new flow chart.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.7 MB]

Additional steps & requirements for CYO Volunteers


All CYO Coaches/Volunteers must complete these additional steps.


1) CYO Coaches Clinics -- All CYO coaches are required to take a coaches clinic within 1 year of starting to coach for a CYO program in the Diocese of Allentown.  These clinics provide an overview of insurance requirements, sports medicine, coaching the child with special needs, and the integration of our Catholic faith and CYO.  Clinics are held four times per academic year throughout the Diocese.  Each clinic is held from 9 am to 12 pm, with check-in beginning at 8:45 am.  The registration cost is $25.00 per participant.  

You can register to attend an upcoming CYO Coaches' Clinic here:

If you have any difficulties with registration, or unable to register online, please contact Daniel Jones Coordinator, CYO Phone: (610) 289-8900, Ext. 2030 Upon completion, forward your certificate to the Parish Safe Environment Coordinator, as well as the head of CYO.


2) Coaches Code of Conduct -- This policy is different from the Diocese's main Code of Conduct. Please read through the policy and return a signed aknowledgment form to the Parish Safe Environment Coordinator as well as the head of CYO.


3) Heads-Up Concussions in Youth Sports Training -- The training program is available through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website: . Complete the course online and submit your certificate of completion to the Parish Safe Environment Coordinator as well as the head of CYO.


4) Sudden Cardiac Arrest Education and Information Form -- Sudden cardiac arrest usually occurs with exercising in young adults and children.  PA Law Act 59 ensures that individuals who are involved in school sports are properly educated about the signs and symptoms of sudden cardiac arrest and appropriate measures take place. Please read through the form & return the acknowledgment to the Parish Safe Environment Coordinator as well as the head of CYO.

Coaches' Code of Conduct & Acknowledgment Form
Adobe Acrobat document [821.6 KB]
Sudden Cardiac Arrest Training & Acknowledgment Form
Cardiac_Arrest_Coaches_Training_WEB_0 (1[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [620.5 KB]


The Diocese of Allentown is no longer requiring the completion of the monthly online readings on the Virtus website.


We thank you for your willingness to diligently work together with us to protect the children and young people entrusted to our care.


Questions can be directed to the Parish Safe Environment Coordinator, Janessa Lanning O'Donnell, at the Rectory office: 610-965-2877, or via email:


More information about the Pennsylvania State Laws can be found at Additional information regarding the Diocese of Allentown and its commitment to Youth Protection can be found at

Join us in celebration!


Public Mass Times

Daily Morning Mass: 8:00AM

Monday through Saturday



Evening Vigil

5:15 PM


Sunday Morning

9:00 AM

11:00 AM


Saturday Confessions are held from 4:30 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. 

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