Our Parish Library is up and running!
We are no longer accepting donations. A list of the available titles and items is available below.
Questions: contact Amy Yanek at aey0967@gmail.com
"To Be a Christian" - In our world today, we continue to ask the question that has been at the heart of our existence since its beginning: What does it mean to be human?
While the response to this question may sometimes seem to be beyond our reach, the Christian faith invites us to look again and discover that the answer is nearer to us than we could first imagine.
In this short film sponsored by the Salesian Center for Faith and Culture at DeSales University, inspired by the writings of St. Francis de Sales and the Second Vatican Council, explore through word, image, and sound the richness of the adventure of what it means to be human, lived in the fullness of Christian faith.
Catholic Resources
Bible Study & Devotionals
Marriage & Families
Children & Youth
Additional resources, including local class and event schedules, are available under the Diocese of Allentown page.