The celebration of the Eucharist is the primary activity of our parish family. Coming together to praise and worship God is the reason we exist. Proper and complete celebration necessitates a number of parishioners willing to serve their brothers and sisters in our faith community. The following are a number of ways in which you might become involved in parish life.
Eucharistic Minister
Lay men and women assist in the distribution of Holy Communion at our weekend Masses. Volunteers are added to this ministry regularly throughout the year. Training is provided by Deacon Conrad Paulus. For further information, please call our Deacon at 610-965-2877.
Minister of the Word
Men and women who are able to proclaim God’s Word effectively and with the understanding of its power are urged to become Lectors. Commentators are also a vital part of our Liturgies. For further information, please contact the rectory office at 610-965-2877.
Altar Servers
Boys and girls, grades four and older, are welcome to become Altar Servers and assist the priest/deacon at Mass, Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, Funerals, Weddings, Stations of the Cross and other liturgical celebrations. This is a wonderful way for children to become involved in parish life. Training is provided by Fr. Buckley. Annual instructions begin in September. For further information, please contact Fr. Buckley at 610-965-2877.
Men and women are needed to create an atmosphere of hospitality and warmth at our weekend liturgies. Ushers take up the collection and distribute parish bulletins after Mass. For information on becoming an usher, please contact the rectory at 610-965-2877.
Greeters for Masses
Attention all friendly and positive parishioners 16 and over! Please consider becoming a part of our Greeters Ministry, and make people feel welcomed at our
church by offering a kind word, opening a door, or offering assistance upon arrival. If you are interested in volunteering at one of our weekend Masses, please contact Bernadette Busfield
This ministry counts for community service hours.