Women of Grace
Our Women of Grace programs are an integral part in the formation of Catholic women in understanding and affirming our dignity and vocations as daughters of God and in our gift of authentic femininity. Placing our trust in Mary, our Mother, as our model and guide, we encourage each other to accept and develop our gifts from her Son and to live out our lives in prayer and sisterhood.
A Book Club is held on the last Thursday of the month at 6:45 PM in the parish center. Reading materials and titles are posted in the bulletin. A Women of Grace Foundational Study Program is held Thursday evenings at 7:00 PM in the fall. For more information, contact Rose Newcomer at 610-390-4131 or at rnewcomer@womenofgrace.com.
Men’s Bible Study
All men are invited to come to a men's Bible study meeting on the 4th Tuesday of each month at Diana's Cafe at 6:45AM. We will be finished by 7:45 AM. This is a time of fellowship, Bible study, prayer, fun, and food if you want. The focus of the study is growing our relationship with Jesus. We are using a study guide from Word Among Us, titled "Amazed and Afraid: Discover the Power of Jesus." Study guides are $10. If you have any questions call Andrew Sumner (484-264-8565) or Bob Hassick (610-703-1475).
Pro-Life Committee
The primary goals of our Pro-Life Committee are to pray privately and with others for the restoration of respect for all human life, both born and unborn, and to educate parishioners on life issues. Occasionally, they respond to action alerts distributed by the Pro-Life Office of the Diocese of Allentown and gather support for pro-life legislation on the local, state and national levels.
The focus of the committee’s attention is on life issues at key times of the year; namely, January 22nd (the anniversary of the Supreme Court abortion decision) and on Respect Life Sunday in October. This committee solicits financial support for the January 22nd Pro-Life full page advertisement which appears in the Morning Call in support of life. They also support service projects to aid the elderly, the handicapped, the poor, distressed pregnant women, etc.
The committee also meets with Our Lady of Assumption’s Pro-Life committee on the last Thursday of the month from 9:00-10:00 AM. For more information, please contact the rectory 610-965-4441 or Jill Krafczyk at 610-509-5518.
Faith Filled Walkers
Come join us after the 8 o’clock weekday Mass for a walk around the church grounds. No experience needed. STRENGTHEN your Faith with daily Mass and Holy Eucharist. STRENGTHEN your body with daily exercise and STRENGTHEN your spirit with new friendships.