Education is a vital component of parish life. We attempt to reach out in many ways to assist parishioners in learning about the Faith. We provide the following ministries for this purpose.
Adult Education Programs
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
The “RCIA” is the process through which anyone who is not baptized or is baptized in another Christian church becomes a Catholic. This is also an opportunity for Catholics to learn more about their Faith and to share their Faith with those on life’s journey. Each year a new class is formed, which meets on scheduled Wednesday evenings in the Parish Center, concluding with the Holy Saturday Easter Vigil Liturgy, where the Catechumens become members of our parish family. For further information, please contact the Rectory at 610-965-2877.
Baptismal Preparation
Parents presenting their first child for Baptism must attend this class prior to the Baptism of their child. An emphasis is made on the all-important task of parental responsibility for raising their children in the Catholic Faith. Classes are held as needed in the Parish Center. To register for this meeting and to schedule a Baptism, please call the rectory at 610-965-2877.
Marriage Preparation
The diocese offers the One in Christ Marriage Seminar to prepare couples for the Sacrament of Matrimony. One is Christ presents both the sacramental theology and the practical “tools” of Christian marriage to help you reach an understanding of how marriage is a participation in the life of Heaven and what that means for your lives here on earth. Please contact the Office of Marriage and Family Life Formation at 610-298-8900 for assistance and dates of meetings.
Children’s Ministries & Programs
St. Michael the Archangel School - Click Here
to learn more about our Parish School.
Parish Religious Education Program (PREP)
Our Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) provides for the religious education of children who attend our local public schools. This program assists parents by providing an opportunity for their children to learn their Catholic Faith and to understand the love God has for them. More information can be found on the PREP News page.
Catholic Youth Organization
C.Y.O. is a program open to all youth in St. Joseph Parish. Organized in conjunction with Assumption BVM Parish, Bethlehem, this program provides students with athletic and academic competition. Supportive volunteer coaching staffs are certified through the Allentown Diocese. Information on athletic and academic competitions is announced in the weekly parish bulletin. For more information, call the school at 610-965-4441 or at
St. Joseph Parish is affiliated with Cub Pack 301 and Boy Scout Troop 301 of the Minsi Trails Council South Mountain District of the Boy Scouts of America. They are sponsored by Assumption Church BVM, Bethlehem. The pack meets at St. Michael’s primary school and participates in all the activities in the Minsi Trails Council Boy Scouts of America. They have a very active pack and can be seen around the church doing many projects and fundraisers. The mission of the Boys Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetime by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Laws. There is a very active Religious Medal program for the cubs and scouts which is headed up by our Pastor. More information can be found at or