Sacrament Information
Questions/concerns regarding Sacraments can be directed to the Rectory at (610) 965-2877.
Baptisms are held Sundays after the 11:00 A.M. Mass. You must be a REGISTERED and PRACTICING member of our parish family. Letters of eligibility for Godparents are required from at least one sponsor. A Letter of Eligibility form can be obtained from the sponsor's home Parish.
Baptismal Preparation – Parents presenting their first child for Baptism must attend this class prior to the Baptism of their child. An emphasis is made on the all-important task of parental responsibility for raising their children in the Catholic Faith. Classes are held as needed in the Parish Center. To register for this meeting and to schedule a Baptism, please call the rectory at 610-965-2877.
FIRST RECONCILIATION is celebrated by our second grade PREP and St. Michael the Archangel School Parishioners. It is necessary to be baptized Christian prior to receiving this Sacrament, and First Reconciliation is necessary prior to receiving the Holy Sacrament of Eucharist.
Please contact the Rectory with any questions or concerns.
First Reconciliation is typically held in February or March, during the season of Lent. The 2025 date will be on Saturday, March 15th, at 10:00AM in the church.
FIRST EUCHARIST (First Holy Communion) is celebrated by our third grade PREP and St. Michael the Archangel School Parishioners. It is necessary to be baptized Christian as well as received First Reconciliation prior to receiving the Holy Sacrament of Eucharist.
First Eucharist is typically held the first Saturday in May. The 2025 date will be on Saturday, May 3rd, at 10:00AM in the church.
CONFIRMATION is celebrated by our 8th grade PREP and St. Michael the Archangel School Parishioners. It is necessary to have been baptized Christian, received Reconciliation, and Eucharist in order to be Confirmed.
Confirmation PREP Classes for students who attend public school, or who otherwise are not attending a Catholic school, are required.
Confirmation is typically held in late Winter or early Spring, and the date is set by the Diocese of Allentown Bishop's office. The 2025 date will be Tuesday, March 18th, at 4:30PM.
To be married in St. Joseph Church, you must be a REGISTERED and PRACTICING member of the parish. Couples contemplating marriage must make arrangements by calling the rectory at least one year in advance of the intended date. Recent (dated no earlier than six months prior to the wedding) copies of Baptismal and Confirmation records are required as well as Pre-Cana class attendance.
The Diocese of Allentown offers the One in Christ Marriage Seminar to prepare couples for the Sacrament of Matrimony. One is Christ presents both the sacramental theology and the practical “tools” of Christian marriage to help you reach an understanding of how marriage is a participation in the life of Heaven and what that means for your lives here on earth. Please contact the Office of Marriage and Family Life Formation for assistance and dates of meetings.
Provides marriage preparation programs, enrichment programs for married couples, families, the separated, divorced and widowed, Anniversary
Mass celebration.
Mr. Robert Olney, Coordinator
(610) 289-8900 ext. 24
For further information or in an emergency, contact the rectory.
Hospital Visits - Please call the rectory when someone is hospitalized. The rectory is not necessarily notified by area hospitals. A priest from the Diocese is assigned to each of the area hospitals, and will visit our parishioners during their admittance.
Prayer Requests - Call or email the rectory if prayers are requested for anyone who is sick or has another need. Their names will be published in our online weekly newsletter with a link included in the Sunday printed bulletins, requesting prayers by our parish family.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
RCIA is a comprehensive outline of the Catholic faith. RCIA is designed for:
The RCIA program provides its members with a deeper understanding of the faith and a motivation to enrich their relationship with Christ. All are invited to take part in this educational and Spirit-filled program. The group meets weekly on Wednesday evenings - September through Easter.
If you are interested, you can see Father Buckley or call the rectory. We are accepting applicants for the 2024-2025 season.