There continues to be a collection basket on the seat of the first pew of the center aisle, marked in yellow, where you may place your contribution when you come up for Communion.
There are also collection baskets located at the exits.
As more parishioners are attending Sunday Mass, those who are currently attending and are using on-line giving are strongly encouraged to use the regular Sunday Offering Envelopes. Credit card charges are a little over 3%. For example, a contribution of $100.00 renders the church $97.14. Plus, there is the added expense to the church for Sunday Collection Envelopes that are not being used.
For those not attending Sunday Mass as of now, you are welcome to mail your contributions directly to the church using a Sunday Collection Envelope which has a barcode that can be easily scanned.
A Virtual Offering -
Use the form below to safely make contributions to our parish.